Being Human Isn’t About Perfection
The human journey is not meant to be about perfection – there are meant to be curves to navigate, edges to smooth and transform. A ‘perfectly’ straight, simple path without obstacles (opportunities to grow) would not provide you the pressure your soul desires to assist you in the process of becoming the diamond that you are, the being of Light reflecting that Light of your creator in your own, unique and inimitable way.
And in a way, this design is ‘perfect’, it is perfect to Spirit that you face your shadows and transmute them into Light, and that you allow the waves of emotion to come – even as your ego resists.
This is a perfect design for Spirit because it is a path that leads to truth.
Your mind, however, would see all obstacles as roadblocks, problems or threats. They would see all growth edges as flaws needing correction or criticism, and all shortcomings a failure of self.
Being human is about Being with whatever is. Because what is there for you now IS the path to your truth. It is the light guiding you Home. This design is actually perfect. Trust it.
When you fall into perfectionism, know that you are replaying an old ego defense mechanism that was installed as a way to keep you feeling protected when perceived threats of shame were lurking in your psyche. Know that these are not needed anymore. You are free to be you – all of you – and no longer require the mask of everything Being Perfect either inside of you, or outside of you, to feel good enough. Remember always that you are enough just the way you are because it could never not be so. You are an incarnated aspect of the God spark experiencing itself perfectly. That is the truth.
Let these ego control mechanisms drop away as you surrender into who you truly are and into the actual perfection of life’s mysterious designs, full of paradox, yet whole in truth.
And so it is.