Courage to Walk Forward

Courage to Walk Forward


Spirit, what would you like to bring through about this for myself and the Sister Circle group?


Be still. This is the prerequisite for all forward movement. Be still and connect to the knowing within. What do you want?


Ask this of your body, in the stillness.




For every time you direct a question inward, be assured that you are answered. But it may take your careful attention to discern these whispers. Connect to your Highest Self and intend to receive the answers to the question: what does the highest expression of myself desire to create?


This is the question which can guide all choices.


Remember that each thing you do is YOUR choice. You, in this current level of consciousness – incarnated into the 3D physicality – have free will. While some events, meetings, arrangements were chosen at soul-level before incarnation, there is much ‘in the air’ you might say, which is determined as you go, via your own choices: what you are focusing on, thinking, feeling, desiring, and intending in each Now Moment.


From there, your soul receives the information and coordinates the outcomes based upon Highest Good. While it may not always feel ‘good’ to the human, trust that everything is arranged for the highest ultimate good of all.


This arrangement is amplified when you work intentionally with your creations – your co-creations – with Spirit.


What does your SOUL desire to co-create with you?




We invite you to do this exercise. Find the stillness and the silence within, and feel the response emerge from within your body in sensations, colors, images, words, sounds, ideas, dreams, memories… whichever way your consciousness wishes to express this. There is no wrong way. Simply allow it to flow through, without your mind’s grasping.


Be mindful of your mind’s assertions around DOING.


It is likely that you will feel this impulse to take specific action, and if there are not specific steps given, this can cause FEAR in the mind. This is common. The Ego does not like uncertainty. It may receive beautiful, valid energetic responses from the soul around frequencies to establish greater embodiments of – and the ‘unknown’ of HOW can begin the self-sabotaging process.


This is just one of the reasons we speak of COURAGE in walking forward, for as soon as you begin to connect to future timelines where you FEEL more and more of who you are…


The FEARS of change, new, letting go, the unknown, uncertainty, self-doubt, and unworthiness will likely rear their head.


Take no issue with this. It is normal and part of the ‘initiation’. It is like putting the key in the car and turning it. The grumbling that ensues is not a sign of a deficient vehicle but rather one of an engine that is beginning to ‘wake up’. And so, see your own FEARs as a natural part of your creation process – a necessary and first step on your soul’s prompt to walk forward.


This is where your choice becomes crucial.


Do not dismiss these grumblings. Become curious, silent, still and listen. What do they have to say? What is the texture, temperature, direction, effect, sensation, color of these feelings? Where do you feel them? What does your mind seek to do in response?


Just as it is wise to know your vehicle’s basic functionings before driving, you want to understand this inner landscape. Who within you is scared and why? Where did this start? Is it connected with a certain person or event? How often have you felt this?


This will help you take responsibility. Work with your spiritual support team on this and ask for help. Set clear strong intentions to see this situation clearly and express your desire to be in alignment with the Truth.


Each new creation will likely have you walk this process, for in every beginning there is an ending. You will be asked to let go of old parts of you which no longer serve. They cannot be taken with you.


So, before you begin taking the concrete steps, take stock of the interior.


Hold your inner children in great love, for any misunderstandings they may have absorbed from their environment.


Be the conscious parent who observes and corrects damaging thoughts.


Who processes their inner child’s worries and doubts.


Who supports and encourages them.


Who asks them what they need and want.


Who lets them express whatever they need to express.


Who validates all their feelings, and corrects the misunderstandings.


Let them know that they (and you) are totally safe in Spirit.


That better things are coming and you’re an important part of that process.


Allow this, knowing that you are walking your soul’s path. The path IS the dissolution of misunderstandings and the surrender to Truth. And this journey is for the brave, heart-based, light ‘warriors’ who lead with their heart on their way to becoming more and more of who they really are.


You are supported.


Engage the process shared above with great intention and sincere desire. Become intimate with what your highest-self wishes to express through you in this life and allow the contrasting internal elements to naturally bubble up, express, and be loved into surrender.


Know that in doing so, you assist the whole world in its elevation collectively, and you are being cheered on endlessly.


And so it is.




Grief: The Great Transformer