Harvesting Past Seeds
It is time for you to harvest all that you have sowed. Many seeds have been planted over many eons of time upon your planet, and you are beginning to see sprouts of this growth emerge upon the surface of the Earth. This is a trend that will continue as your New Earth, you might say, comes into greater awareness and Being. Cycles and cycles of reaping and sowing have come and passed, each softening the grounds and fertilizing the soil for this time. The Earth is ready.
You are invited to participate actively in this process. Imagine your awareness is like the sun that shines upon the greening leaves. Place your focus upon the good that is emerging, place the warmth and nourishing focus of your heart’s gaze upon your inner goodness, which was always there. In so doing, you feed the growth that must come, and nourish yourself in the process.
There will be a time where it appears that all has come to naught and you may worry about these sprouts, thinking them perhaps fragile or in need of your protection. This is not the case. Though we use the image of a small plant breaking through the soil, know that what is in fact occurring is a irreversible emergence of light and consciousness which cannot be stamped out or stomped on. It is a reckoning, in a way. And you do not need to worry for it or fight against perceived threats. Simply allow these impenetrable seeds to shoot out their cosmic light and serve as a beacon to all those still in fear. There is light amidst the fear and distraction – follow it.
So even as we invite you to participate in the light’s increasing emergence and visibility – for those who can see – remember that this is a harvest of seeds planted far beyond the creation of your planet or indeed your Cosmos. It is that profound, that unstoppable. Allow it to unfold within you, and focus our heart’s light upon the light that reveals itself to you.
And so it is.