Things Heating Up…

Humanity is about to undergo an acceleration of the changes that have been long in preparation and have long been foretold. This is not to incite fear but for you to be aware that this is part of the design. It is natural that when there is disorder, that we think something is wrong. There is a tendency to want to fix, correct, organize, and put back into place.


However, we remind you that you do not want things to go back into place. You do not want things to be how they were and have always been. You want the outcome of this change which is emerging.


That does not mean that the changes which you will soon witness will all feel welcome or warm or comfortable. As the shadows of the human collective consciousness are emerged to be purged, you will see many things in your outside world that will cause great discomfort.


But as you know, such irritants can be great catalysts for change.


Compare this to your own bodily processes. Small changes to your health or body over long periods of time may not alert you or even catch your attention. Yet they may be signs of an underlying health condition. Suddenly, when a bump or something more profound manifests, you will take action.


And with this sudden realization and desire for change, you will feel fear: what is this? What does this mean? Why is this happening? What is on the other side of this?


And yet, many of the health conditions you have been taught are ‘wrong’, are indeed signs of healing. We give you inflammation as an example. When something is inflamed in your body, there is great discomfort and fear and often a desire to control this through anti-inflammatory drugs which are so popular in your world. However, this is a natural bodily process meant to accelerate your body’s ability to heal.


What is happening on your planet is similar. And the parallel to inflammation is appropriate as things may seem quite ‘inflamed’. Many will be processing the shock of certain revelations and be rushed with the energies of anger, of fire.


Let this all move through you. The anger is purposeful. Do not seek to suppress it but let it move and become the fire of change. Like a fever that rises to kill off the resident pathological agents, expect the temperature to go up in your world.


And what does your body do when you experience a fever, or an inflammation?


It seeks rest. Nourishment. Gentleness. You will want to lean into the opposite as humanity undergoes these firey energies of purging what no longer can remain.


Be as gentle with yourself as you can throughout these transitions. Your body and your energy will need your loving attention to be restored and kept in balance, but it is necessary for you to do this work so that you can remain a grounded and sensitive influence on the grounds as events unfold.


Seek what soothes you. Allow all the feelings to pass, and know that a necessary healing stage is about to emerge that will challenge you but ultimately make a world and a system that is stronger, safer, and truer to the light that wishes to be expressed.


And so it is.


The Blueprint is Within You


Uplifting Humanity