Humanity’s Ascension with the Body
Humanity is undergoing a rapid transformation of their energetic bodies. This is being led and sustained by the changing energetic context of your planet’s location in Space and the increased energetic action of your sun, as well as some other factors such as the unfolding of large-scale cycles throughout Creation which has a profound role and place in your humanity’s consciousness.
For that reason, it can feel overwhelming at times to be a human. There is so much going on energetically that it would be impossible for the human mind to comprehend it all, yet the human energetic field is learning and adapting rapidly to the increasing information.
This can lead to a disconnect, especially for those who operate more outside of the body and more inside of the mind, as all particles are quickening – including those of the mind.
As the mind quickens, so may confusion and fear and thoughts that lead one into spirals of more confusion and thoughts.
As you know, the way out of these mind tornadoes is not through the mind but through a return to the breath and to the body. The body’s intelligence is underestimated. Attend to it and respond to its needs – because humanity is ascending, but this is being done with the human body. You are not leaving it behind, and in many ways, it is like it is leading you on this journey as it accepts the higher energies and creates the mechanisms for which you can feel and release the lower vibrational energies that are trapped within your field.
Working with your body this way can assist all of humanity. As each human that awakens lightens the collective field.
Home is where you are all going. This is a journey that returns you all to your truest selves. It is a profound opportunity for awakening and one that many on your planet will accept, though some will not, and there is no judgment in this.
For those who wish to ascend, or accept these incoming waves of new and higher consciousness, the support is there. Choose to align yourself with the love available to you and receive these deeply in your own physical, human form. It is like watering the soil for a beautiful garden to come.
And so it is.