This Moment Is Precious
I know that I’ve been feeling the high-intensity, flickering-light energy of the recent Eclipse… while being aware that there is more to come. Hello, salt & crystal baths, extra meditation breaks, yoga, grounding… I’m pulling out all the stops because I know the Universe isn’t going to stop for me.
AND. My number one ‘stop’ this week is definitely…stopping.
Hand on heart: “This moment matters.”
Breathing. “This moment is precious.”
Remembering my body, taking in my space: “I am exactly where I need to be.”
Sometimes I ask a question instead. “How is this moment precious?”
And I let the answer come in a feeling in my body, or through noticing something temporary and sweet: my dog enjoying the grass, a hopping bird, a magnolia. I give myself permission to notice it and be a little bit slower.
It’s been just the medicine I’ve needed as someone with an impatience growth point!
As I’ve been learning, my impatience plays out largely with the spiritual process. My mind wants me to be ‘further along’, with all sorts of covert and untrue beliefs attached to that outcome. When I’m further along, then I’ll be more legitimate… be prouder of where I am... feel like I’m worth it… have more belief in myself… be of more service…
And none of it is true!!! And all the ways I can covertly push myself (which I’m still finding, by the way) are coming from FEAR.
Because I’ve used perfectionism as a way to protect myself from the FEAR of not being good enough… I think it’s scary to give up control. I know my mind is ready to say: But if we give up control of our process, will we be as committed? Will we miss things? Will we be safe?
Of course, and as always, this same mind *is* making me miss things: the truth of my own value right now, the beauty and the joy of being really present, the safety of trusting my Spiritual Support Team to guide me…and all sorts of magic and miracles, surely.
My ego wants to trick me into thinking that it is the key to my successful relationship with Spirit (!) yet… it’s the ego who is holding me back from true surrender, trust, and patience with the process.
Spirit said to me today: Our spiritual growth is a result of the shadows we learn to transmute and shed.
Which is to say… NOT in driving or pushing spiritual growth out of fear, but in being willing to see the truth about who is in the driver’s seat. Because when we do, we can choose to shed the subconscious program and re-align with the truth of who we are… which is always LOVE… in this present moment.
For now, with all the whirling energies that Eclipse season brings, I know my focus is on patience with the process. Because this moment *does* matter, and it *is* so precious, and it is *absolutely* where we are most of service – to ourselves, to others, and to the world.
Lots of love to you all! And prayers that this finds you feeling into the present, too.